If you are working on a group project, and want all group members to view, add and edit citations in a shared library, follow these steps.
1) Each group member must register with zotero.org
- This will allow your data to be shared, and also syncs your Zotero library with their servers.
- This also allows you to access your library from any computer with internet access.
2) One member should go to the Zotero groups page to create a group.
- Click on Create a New Group, and log in with your Zotero user-name and password (that you created above in step 1).
- Choose a name for your group
- Choose a privacy setting for your group. For Whitman class projects, unless you want your library to be findable by others, choose Private Membership.
- Click Create Group.
3) Invite other members to join the group.
- From your group homepage, click on Group Settings, then on Members Settings.
- Click Send More Invitations
- Enter your group members' Zotero user names or email addresses.
4) Give all members who need to add and edit citations Administrator privileges.
- Once members have responded to the invitation and joined the group, on the Members Settings page, make sure each member's Role is set to Admin.