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Zotero: Working with Citations

Adding Content


Zotero will automatically "grab" or save any bibliographic information from a website or database. This means if you are viewing an article from a newspaper online, an article in a database, a book in a catalog, even a YouTube video, Zotero can identify the citation information for that item.

The citation information does not necessarily mean the full-text. That is, Zotero will grab the information that will allow you cite that item. When possible, Zotero will also grab a PDF of an article from a database, but its main function is not to store PDFs. 


If you use Safari, the icon to add items will show up to the left of you URL bar. For example,




When using Zotero for Firefox or Chrome, an icon will appear in the URL bar of your browser window. Click on it to add the citation to your library. 

 1) Online newspapers or magazines



b) Chronicle of Higher Education


2) Online catalogs

a) Sherlock: Whitman College catalog, Summit, and Articles

b) WorldCat

Image of WorldCat URL and Zotero icon


3) Article Databases

a) EBSCO databases




c) Web of Science


d) Ovid PsycINFO

4) Adding mulitple items at once.

If you are viewing the results page from a database search, you will see a folder icon that will allow you to select multiple items at once to add to Zotero.

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