To search in ARMINDA, type your search terms into the search box and click on the SEARCH button or hit the Enter key. For multi-word searches, keep in mind that enclosing a phrase in quotations marks means that the search will be for all of the words of that phrase in that order. So if you search for the two words county fair, your results will include items that have the word county and items that have the word fair. If you search for the phrase "county fair", your results will only include items that have both words directly next to each other in that order.
If you want to look within a PDF for your search words, you will need to click on the magnifying glass icon in the PDF viewer and type those words again into the Find in document box. That widget will let you skip to the highlighted terms in the PDF document. When searching in a PDF, phrase searches using quotation marks may not work -- within the PDF search, try your phrase without the quotation marks. We look forward to future updates that will streamline document searching and not require this second step to highlight relevant words, but those are not yet available on our system.
By default, search results are displayed in order from most to least relevant. Additionally, you can sort by date or by title. The up arrow ↑ sorts in ascending order (A-Z or oldest to newest) and the down arrow ↓ sorts in descending order (Z-A or newest to oldest).
If you are browsing a collection, the facets reflect categories that apply to items in that collection; if you are looking at search results, you will see facet categories that apply to at least one result, but not necessarily to all results. For example, if a thesis is included in your list of results, you will see a facet for graduation year -- but that will only be relevant for the thesis, so it might not help you to narrow down your results very much! The Member of category indicates which ARMINDA collection an item is in; every item will be a member of a collection. Every item should also have a genre; in some cases, more than one genre is used for a single item.
If you click on one of the facets, that will filter the total results for your search so that only those results that correspond with that facet will appear.
Once you have established a facet, if you carry out a new search while that facet is applied, the new results that display will correspond to that facet. If you click to remove that facet from your search, you will see the complete list of new results.
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