Penrose knows that many Whitman alumni wish to continue to use our resources after graduation, and we welcome you into our doors whenever you are in town. We are able to provide select database access to alumni, but due to specific license agreements, we are unable to provide off-campus access to many e-resources, such as journal articles and databases. This guide is designed to help Whitties navigate post-graduation access to Penrose resources, open access research, and ways you may be able to access many of the same resources through your local public libraries. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about access.
Whitman alumni may:
Alumni Borrowers are issued ID cards through the Alumni Office & Campus Security.
Alumni can borrow books for six weeks and DVDs and videos for six days. Alumni cannot check out items that have been placed on Reserve for a course. Summit, eBook and Interlibrary Loan borrowing are not available to Alumni.
Alumni can borrow up to 15 items at a time.
These databases, listed below, provide access to archives of academic journals across many different disciplines. Log-in information is available on the about page in the Library Group on Whitman Connect, please contact if you have any issues with Whitman Connect. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian.
Alumni, and the general public, can access our other electronic journals, databases and a select number of ebooks while in the Penrose Library building, using our public terminals on the main floor of the library. If you are in the library and have questions, please ask the circulation desk for assistance.
There is a growing movement amongst the scholarly community to make their work more open and available. Many journals have been started, or have switched, to being open access, and many authors are starting to publish their work in institutional repositories, meaning there is greater access to those who are not attached to an institution. This search box will help provide access to those works. For more information on the open access movement, check out our guide.
Public Libraries often provide access to some, or parts, of the main databases we subscribe to at Penrose, such as Proquest and JSTOR. Library cards are always free at public libraries. They often also participate in interlibrary loan, though it may take a bit longer than it did at Whitman, or come with slight costs. If you've left Walla Walla but live near a college or university, they may have a similar community borrowers program as Whitman.
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