Image citations can be very dependent on context; an image that is a key source might need more information than something used for aesthetic purposes (though you should still properly cite and credit those images). Below is some guidance for the main citation styles for citing images, but their style manuals might need to be referenced for more information.
The CMOS advises citations for works of art may be in-text and not necessitate a note or bibliography entry. if you do want to include them in these places this is the general format of the note:
Note: FirstName LastName, Title, date, medium, location of work (museum name for example), URL.
Bibliography: LastName, FirstName. Title. Date. Medium. location of work (museum name for example), URL.
Example: Matisse, Henri. Still Life with Aubergines. 1911. Louise Reinhardt Smith Bequest.
The Chicago guidelines are largely directed towards artwork, however, if you are using an image from website, book, article, etc., the citation will be based on that main source, with a final reference to the specific illustration, figure, or table, for example an image found in a book would be cited thus:
FirstName LastName, Book Title (Publication location: Publisher, date), page number, table/figure/illustration number. [you will include "figure" or "illustration"]
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